Summarize the six steps of the problem solving process.
Summarize the six steps of the problem solving process.

summarize the six steps of the problem solving process.

→ Corrective actions are steps that are taken to remove the causes of an existing nonconformity or undesirable situation or event. → In a simple word "Correction is like first-aid," Correction is the instant action that is taken to correct the nonconformity or to reduce the impact of nonconformity. Monitoring, Analysis, and Evaluation of Solution.What are the 5 steps problem-solving methods? So after identify and remove the barrier we can achieve the target. → In the second case, There are many barriers that prevent achieving the main goal to increase profit. To remove this barrier I have to go to the shop or market to purchase some food hence this is solved. In the first case, my target is to eat something but I have no food at my home so this is a barrier. → Let's take the above example to understand this thing. The barrier prevents the achievement of the goal. → If there is no barrier to achieve the goal then it is not an issue.

summarize the six steps of the problem solving process.

If I am Managing Director of a company then my target is to increase profit this is the main goal and further, it is subdivided into many sub-goals to achieve the main target. If I am hungry then my goal is to eat something. → Let's take one example to understand this thing. → It can be anything that we want to achieve or we want to be. → The most important two things are related to all problems: 1. → Any effort to reduce this gap between what is expected and what is obtained is called “Problem Solving”. → A Problem is an undesirable event or In other words, “Any Gap between what is expected and what is obtained”. → Problem Solving Methods are various methods used to solve the problem.

Summarize the six steps of the problem solving process.